New Membership Rates

We are glad you are interested in membership with us! All memberships are paid yearly and ongoing until cancellation.  You may pay in full cash, check or charge. Before committing to membership for class discount, it is recommended you take a few classes to ensure you will like the class. Membership is ongoing after 1 year. You are required to give a 30 day notice for cancellation.

  • Single Adult Membership (18 years or older) –  $335 yearly
  • Single Family/Couple (2 Adults or 1 Adult plus children same household) – $435 yearly
  • Family (same household – child under 18) – $535 yearly
  • College Student** (18-25 years) parent(s) must be current members – $240 yearly
  • Request Senior Citizen (65 years old) ** – $240 yearly
  • For Out of State membership, please send an email to [email protected] with details and circumstances for consideration.

**To receive a Senior Citizen discount you must submit a copy of photo id such as valid driver license or passport.  If the second adult in the household as well as the first adult on membership is senior then there is no charge for the 2nd adult. If not a senior, then add $60 to the yearly total.

All membership request must fill out this application

and will be given a 30 day probation period prior to board approval. (Able to use all amenities during this time)

Please complete the ACH form to avoid unnecessary fees.

For immediate questions please contact us or call 502-895-7501

Membership Process:

We are so glad you are interested in our facility.  To become a member of American Turners of Louisville, Inc., or Louisville Turners all interested candidates will need to complete the following:

  1.  Sign up and pay online for yearly auto-draft with Visa or MasterCard (payment will auto draft the same day each year you start your contract).
  2. Complete Membership Application in full and fax, email, mail, or turn in at the lounge Monday – Saturday 6-10pm.
  3. Application and payment will be voted on at The Board of Directors Meeting which is the third Monday of each Month. If there is a problem with your membership, we will contact you immediately.

Current Members will have access to: 

Swimming Pool, Pool House, Pool Deck, and Diving area.  As a member, you will enjoy Unlimited visits to the pool and you may bring along guest (extra fees apply).  Our swimming and diving areas have certified Life Guards on duty the entire duration the pool, pool house, and pool deck are open. For more information about our Swim Club, click here.

  • Open Memorial Day – Labor Day
  • Please refer to our Facebook page for Pool Schedule
  • Members can bring a guest / guests with you to the pool for $5 / per day / per person, $10 per person on weekends and Holidays or Special events. Member must be present for guest to enter and be present the entire time guest are utilizing pool facilities. (Guests under the age of 18 are limited to 5 visits a the guest rate)
  • Concession food and drinks are available during pool hours only.
  • Outside alcohol is NOT permitted.

River View Lounge on campus offers food, beverages, karaoke, and live entertainment.  Members will enjoy discounts on food, beer, cocktails, drink specials, as well as discounted cover for live music / events.

Boat Docks – Located on the River we have several boat docks / slips available to members only for additional cost.  Please contact us at [email protected] for additional information.

Softball, Kick Ball, and more – members will enjoy a discounted rate for team sign ups and participation.

Gym and Circus Program Discounts – Turners Gym offers Cirquetastics, Aerial Dancing, Aerial Fabric, Aerial Hoop / Lyra, Open Gym, Juggling, Poi / Hoop Spinning, Trapeze and more.  Our members enjoy substantial discounts to our classes, workshops, open gym, and special events. Waiver / Release is required by all participants on their first visit each year.  Proof of Medical Insurance is required.

  • Open Gym – Members will enjoy complimentary access to Open Gym  (during set times only – see Circus / Aerial program for details).  $10 / per Open Gym or Package of 15 Passes for $100 for Non-Members.
  • Aerial Sessions (55 minute class per week) Members may purchase a one time drop in for $10 or a 13 class card for $100 – Nonmembers are $24 class drop in or 6 class pass for $120.
  • Workshops – We will offer unique Workshops as we bring in professionals in various disciplines and prices will vary.
  • Circus Training & Performances – Please see our Circus program for details.  Ages 4-adult. Enrollment & Open House will be offered in the Fall.  Final registration will be on the last Open House in October.  You must be a current member by August 31st prior to the upcoming circus to benefit from the Circus discounts.  Volunteering is required for all participants (or parents of) as well as tryouts, auditions, and full participation.
  • See the Gym / Circus page for more information.

Bowling Alley – Turners has a 4 lane bowling alley located on the 4th floor of the gym building.  Members will enjoy a discount for Bowling leagues.  Hours of operation vary and bowling times / games will need to be scheduled in advance.

Park Rental & Gym Rentals are available.  Please contact at [email protected] for details and pricing.  On campus we do have a Tennis / Volleyball court, however, currently they are not in playing condition.  Located on the river front flood & flood damage can create extensive damage to our property.  We are always looking for volunteers to clean up, maintain, and / or help run our facilities.

We welcome new members to Turners and look forward to you joining our organization.

Thank you for your interest.